Keris Mistakology

sumber foto: By Dwi Fitria Due to Indonesia’s paternalistic culture, it often happens that people asks for information on keris to them who are considered the elderly. According to Toni Junus, the General Secretary of Panji Nusantara, a keris enthusiast organization, there are many wrong perception on keris that goes on in public. “Some of them are the percep-tions that keris is a mystical item that can bring people wealth, strength, luck, and others.” Keris has thousands...
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The Wealth of Batik

Indonesian Batik is filled with techniques, symbols, and supreme artistic values. Friday, 2 October 2009; the weather in Abu Dhabi or United Arab Emirates was rather bright and not so hot, thanks to the breezes of wind that come and go. The sky was also blue, as if providing a shade for the city that is located at 24°28’ Northern Latitude and 54°22’ Eastern Longitude. Skyscraper buildings stood tall, strong and luxurious. At one of the most known buildings in the City of Abu Dhabi that afternoon,...
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Angklung Soars More

From the Land of Sunda, the Indonesian Republic Government is fighting for the declaration of angklung instrument as the global heritage. TEKS by Doddi Ahmad Fauji dan Devi Apriani The area is beautiful and flourished by trees, located in the eastern part of Bandung. When evening sets in, it becomes crowded. Tens of children are dropped off by their parents, and there are those who come in cars of tour buses. What’s going on in there? There; concerts of angklung music are constantly held. It...
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Shadow Puppets Soar the Era

Teks By Rusman Everlasting art, entertaining while teaching the wisdom of life. The Ministry of People Welfare Coordinator a.k.a Menko Kesra in Medan Merdeka Barat Street of Jakarta, held an important event on early February 2010. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa was there. The Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik and host Agung Laksono, the Minister of People Welfare Coordinator were also there. “My gratitude to all parties that contributed in our success of gaining Unesco’s...
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