Realism Will Never Dies

TeText By Doddi Ahmad Fauji The morale in Sura Ardana’s realist paintings, becomes a warning of the disturbance happen to the concept of Trihita Karana. In the art world realism has been having its own place for centuries. The realist style and realism in the art, survived the booming of photography and graphics art which technically surpassed the manual ability of human being to make art. It was the peak of the art world when the social realism was in its hey day. It raises the emergence of...
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The Mighty Dragon and the Fiery Wave

It is time for mankind to make time to listen and understand nature’s ailment. After disappearing for so long from the world of sculpture art, Bambang Adi Pramono came back, displaying his latest sculpture masterworks. This sculpture artist was born in Sidoarjo, East Java, July 7 1955. He graduated from ISI Jogjakarta in 1976. In 1981 he held a sole exhibition in ISI Jogjakarta that was then still located in Gampingan. This second sole exhibition is a process of his artistic rebirth by bringing...
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Justice for Water Paint

The emergence of memory sparks from dull and fragile material. The unpopularity of water paint artworks turns for the best when a group of renowned painters produce in water paint. Nasirun and Entang Wiharso with their ever so expressive strikes presented unique figures. Nasirun in The Beach 1 and The Beach 2 seemed to very much enjoy the dissolving of water in the paint that gives out transparent effect. Nindityo Adipurnomo, whom lately is more known for his works in installations showcased the...
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From Design to Pure Art

Reflecting a childhood of loss play time Like most student at the Visual Communication Department of ISI Yogyakarta, Oky Rey Montha or better known as Kyre by his peers, done the work assign by his professor. He then submitted the work that he had made with all his heart and effort. But what happened when he submitted the work to his professor? “You better put this outside. This work really doesn’t belong here. I think it will suits you better if you went to study there, said the professor while...
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“Shampoo Ginger” from the East by Gede Gunada

Karangasem, the furthest east of Bali Island, is a district that is often times considered slow and is under the poverty level. Many of its natives settle in Denpasar or other regions for better living. However, not many people are aware that Karangasem holds an amazing nature landscape and a magnificently unique cultural art potential. Karangasem has also given birth to several painters those are still at national rank. To name a few, Nyoman Sukari, Wayan Redika, and Made Sukadana. In Karangasem,...
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Lama Sabakhtani

Teks Argus Firmansah Humanizing theological meaning through real objects representation. The theme of artists and his connection with his sacred entity is still dominant in the event of Indonesia’s fine-art. This can be observed also in the sole exhibition of Ay Tjoe Christine on artistic collaboration with Deden Sambas in the Lawangwangi Art and Science Estate, Bandung, titled; “Lama Sabakhtani Club”. Ay Tjoe Christine presented a different concept with her previous sole exhibition; Symmetrical...
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The Process of Bakepang Wood

Bakepang wood processes into aesthetic craft with currency value. The showroom is a simple place, located in Saharjo Street No. 62 A in Tebet, South Jakarta. It is called Kayu Tangi Art. The name itself is taken from one of the district in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. It so happens that the owner, Firdaus, is a native and born Banjarmasin. “Yes, that is just a name for the business, I took it off a place in Banjarmasin,” agreed Firdaus. Beginning his trade approximately twenty years back, in...
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Guo: Developing Chinese Painting

One of the rooms of Nelayan Restaurant in Ancol, Norther Jakarta, was busy. Most of the attendances are middle-aged ladies. There were only few men. Some were busy brushing paint on paper, and several other ladies were busy paying attention to a 15 meter length paper. “This is the work of Qibaishi, the imitation of Guo Peng. But it is excellent, so much similarity,” praised one of the ladies, while keeping her eyes on the paper. And those middle-aged ladies are Guo Peng’s pupils. They were learning...
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Creativity Through Paper

The joy of transforming a piece of paper into a toy. You are probably familiar with the art of paper folding that originates from the Sakura land of Japan, namely origami. In the origin country this paper folding art had entered several phases of development. One of which is the papertoy. In Indonesia self, papertoy has not been widely known and the enthusiasts are yet to expand. Two amongst the enthusiasts of papertoy in Indonesia are Faizal Azad and Dadik Triadi whom coincidentally are also designers....
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Sculpture and Craft Art

In that is often mass-produced, marginalized from the art conversation. Sculpture and craft exhibition is displaying the 75 artists’s works, both from academic circles as well as autodidact, both young and old generations. The exhibition that displays various styles of sculpture and craft was initiated by Department of Art Craft ISI Denpasar. And it establish thanks to the cooperation between the Community Development Program I-MHERE ISI Denpasar with Bali Indonesian Sculptors Association (BIASA). Compared...
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The Family Language of Indonesia – Malaysia

For me, Indonesia – Malaysia are not two related countries. From the etymology –language- aspect, the two countries are two nations under one roof. Then, the Holland and England colonialism separated them territorially. The language used by most of the people in both countries came from the same mother tongue that is the Malayan language. Since the Indonesian people is the user of the mother tongue with high population, I agree with the Malaysian Minister of Culture and Communication Information,...
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Considering Stage Artists

I am creative, therefore I exist. I have built a network, therefore I am strong. At least 10 out of the 20 performers of the 5th Indonesia Performing Arts Mart 2009 have a broad network overseas. They are not only conscious of the camera, the stage, production costs, and profit, but they have grown and developed along with the art itself. The stage performance is only one small part of themselves as individuals who are continuously engaged in process and creation. It is as if art has chosen them,...
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Melody Of The Archipelago On GKJ’s Stage

The Children’s Traditional Music Festival successfully presents almost extinct old Indonesian traditions. The Children’s Traditional Music Festival was held in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (the Jakarta Playhouse on July 2 through 4 2009. The participants includes about 100 or so elementary and junior high students of the 29 groups from the 29 provinces of Indonesia. Most of them are about 7 – 12 years old. Among the 29 provinces are Western Nusa Tenggara, Jambi, Bali, Lampung, West Sumatera, North Sumatera...
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Banjar Arts in Tune with Nature

Teks N. Syamsuddin CH Haesy Banjar is Malayan. The custom traditions of Banjar cannot be separated with the overall Malayan culture. In general, the traditional arts of Banjar can be comprehended as part of the overall living dynamics of the Banjar tribe, spread across Kalimantan, particularly in Southern and Eastern Kalimantan. In its progress, Banjar custom art undergoes assimilation process with various elements of other cultures, be it within the Kalimantan island, or others such as the Sulunese...
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Portraying the Life of Javanese Community

TEKS Darma Ismauanto There are two factors for the Javanese community when exercising their traditional mores. The first objective is to gain a peaceful life, both physically and spiritually. For Javanese, conducting a traditional ceremony is to meet one’s spiritual need, so that he/she would remember the Almighty (eling marang purwa daksina). The mystical (kebatinan) tradition of the Javanese people is basically based on the spiritual belief that is decorated with a traditional value. The second...
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Contemporary German Photography

German photographers, developed their work in accordance with the context of time and place. BY Argus Firmansyah Picture recording using the technology of photographic camera were developed in the modern era, at the end of 17th century in Europe. Supported by the art market, in the last ten years photographic technology even touches the commercial domain. Recent development of German photography can be seen through the works of three contemporary photographers of the country exhibited under the...
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Indonesia’s Maritime Museum History

The Indonesia’s Maritime Museum holds thousands of collection that recorded maritime history of the archipelago. The Maritime Museum is situated on area with the width of approximately 7.415 m2. Unlike the other museum, the Maritime Museum consisted of several buildings. The main building stood in front of the fish market, while the other building is the Syahbandar Look Out Tower. In the beginning of the 17th century, VOC trading company developed rapidly. Due to this development it was felt necessary...
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This is my Style

By Darma Ismayanto Come on, keep playing, and keep being happy. Forget about those struggling for power. The fine artist, Arie Kadarisman expressively released his cheerfulness without any burden in his painting entitled “Playing in front of a Shadow” (Bermain di Depan Bayangan) and “Zone Up”. He was freely playing, with or without a tool, a way to let go off life weariness in the midst of the global problem as it is now. The bright colors that Arie chooses very much support the cheerful theme...
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Buddha Bar Building Belongs to Art

The public was made uproar when the name of Buddha was made the label of a restaurant and bar. Seven years ago there was an idea: some of the collections of fine art paintings belonging to the government of the special territory of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) that are now in the Fine Arts Museum and Ceramics (Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik) will be removed into this building. By Agus Dermawan T Since last February there has been pro and con in the discussion regarding the existence of a Buddha Bar located...
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Keris Mistakology

sumber foto: By Dwi Fitria Due to Indonesia’s paternalistic culture, it often happens that people asks for information on keris to them who are considered the elderly. According to Toni Junus, the General Secretary of Panji Nusantara, a keris enthusiast organization, there are many wrong perception on keris that goes on in public. “Some of them are the percep-tions that keris is a mystical item that can bring people wealth, strength, luck, and others.” Keris has thousands...
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The Wealth of Batik

Indonesian Batik is filled with techniques, symbols, and supreme artistic values. Friday, 2 October 2009; the weather in Abu Dhabi or United Arab Emirates was rather bright and not so hot, thanks to the breezes of wind that come and go. The sky was also blue, as if providing a shade for the city that is located at 24°28’ Northern Latitude and 54°22’ Eastern Longitude. Skyscraper buildings stood tall, strong and luxurious. At one of the most known buildings in the City of Abu Dhabi that afternoon,...
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